Article 1 of the general rules
  1. This site is very important to protect your personal information and complies with the Privacy Regulations and the Privacy Guidelines established by the Ministry of Information and Communication in the Information and Communication Act.
  2. This site informs you of the use and manner of the privacy information you provide through the Privacy Policy and what measures are being taken to protect your privacy.
  3. This site makes it easy for you to see the privacy policy at the bottom of the homepage's first screen.
  4. This site will notify you through a website notice (or individual notice) if you revise the Privacy Policy.
Article 2 Consent on the Collection of Personal Information

If you click the "I agree" button or "I disagree" button on the privacy policy or terms of use of this site, you will be deemed to have agreed to the collection of personal information.

Article 3 Purpose of collection and use of personal information
  1. This site collects personal information for the following purposes:
    1. Formation of a contract to provide services: Identification of oneself, confirmation of one's intention, etc.;
    2. Implementation of service: shipping and payment of goods
    3. Member management: Civil petitions such as identification, personal identification, age verification, complaint handling, etc. according to the use of the membership service
    4. Guidance on other new services, new products or events
  2. Dan does not collect sensitive personal information (race and ethnicity, ideas and creed, where they came from and where they belong, political orientation and criminal records, health status and sex life, etc.).
Article 4 Personal information items to be collected
This site collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, service application, etc.
  1. Collected items: name, date of birth, gender, login ID, password, home phone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, resident registration number, access log, access IP information, payment record
  2. Personal information collection method: website (membership registration)
Article 5 installation, operation and rejection of automatic personal information collection device
This site uses 'cookies' to store and find information about you from time to time. Cookies are small pieces of information that websites send to your computer browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.). When you access the website, the computer of this shopping mall reads the contents of the cookie in your browser, finds your additional information on your computer, and provides services without additional input such as your name.

Cookies identify your computer, but do not personally identify you. You also have choices about cookies. By adjusting your web browser's options, you have the option to accept all cookies, send a notification when a cookie is installed, or reject all cookies.

  1. Purpose of use of cookies, etc.: To provide targeted marketing and personalized services by analyzing users' access frequency and visit time, identifying users' tastes and interests and tracking traces, and identifying the degree of participation in various events and number of visits
  2. How to reject cookie setting: To reject cookie setting, you can accept all cookies by selecting the option of your web browser, check each time you save a cookie, or save all cookies. can be rejected.
  3. Example of setting method: In case of Internet Explorer → Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy
  4. However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing services.
Use for purposes other than Article 6 and provide to third parties
  1. This site uses your personal information within the scope notified in "Purpose of collection and use of personal information", and does not use it beyond the scope or provide it to others or other companies or institutions.
  2. However, we may provide or share your personal information with our affiliates in order to provide you with better service. When providing or sharing personal information, in advance, we ask you about who the affiliates are, what personal information items are provided or shared, why such personal information should be provided or shared, and how long and how long it will be protected and managed. You will be notified individually by e-mail and in writing to obtain consent, and if you do not agree, it will not be provided to or shared with affiliates.
  3. Also, in principle, we do not provide users' personal information to the outside, except in the following cases.
    1. If users agree in advance
    2. When there is a request from an investigation agency in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or in accordance with the procedures and methods stipulated in laws and regulations for investigation purposes
Article 7 Reading and correction of personal information
  1. You can view or correct your registered personal information at any time. If you want to view and correct personal information, click "Edit Member Information" to directly view or correct it, or contact the person in charge of personal information management by e-mail.
  2. If you request correction of errors in personal information, we will not use the personal information until the correction is completed.
Article 8 Withdrawal of consent for collection, use and provision of personal information
  1. You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information at any time through membership registration. To withdraw consent, click "Withdraw membership (withdraw consent)" on "My Page" or contact the person in charge of personal information management by e-mail, etc.
  2. This site will take necessary measures so that membership withdrawal (withdrawal of consent) for collection of personal information can be exercised in the same way and procedure as when collecting personal information.
Article 9 Period of retention and use of personal information
  1. In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information is destroyed without delay. However, the following information is retained for the period specified for the following reasons.
    1. Retention items: Member registration information (login ID, name, nickname)
    2. Reason for retention: To prevent other members from re-joining with their existing member IDs when withdrawing from membership
    3. Retention period: permanent
  2. And if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Act, the company keeps transaction and member information for a certain period set by the related laws as follows.
    1. Retention items: contract or subscription withdrawal records, payment and goods supply records, complaints or dispute handling records
    2. Retention grounds: Article 6 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc., Preservation of Transaction Records
    3. Retention period: contract or subscription withdrawal record (5 years), payment and goods supply record (5 years), complaint or dispute handling record (3 years)
  3. If there is a need to keep it despite the above retention period, we will obtain your consent.
Article 10 Personal information destruction procedure and method
In principle, this site will destroy the information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows.
  1. Destruction procedure: The information entered by the user for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (a separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) according to the internal policy and other reasons for information protection according to relevant laws (retention) and period of use) are stored for a certain period of time and then destroyed. Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any other purpose other than being retained unless it is required by law.
  2. Destruction method: Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.
Article 11 Protection of children's privacy
  1. If this site collects personal information from children under the age of 14, the consent of the legal representative is obtained.
  2. The legal representative of a child under the age of 14 may request to view, correct, or withdraw consent to the child's personal information, and in the event of such a request, this site will take necessary measures without delay.
Article 12 Technical measures to protect personal information
In handling your personal information, this site takes the following technical measures to ensure safety so that your personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.
  1. Your personal information is protected by a password, and important data is protected through a separate security function by encrypting files and transmission data or using the file lock function.
  2. This site uses antivirus programs to prevent damage caused by computer viruses. Vaccine programs are updated regularly, and in the event of a sudden virus outbreak, the vaccine is provided as soon as it is released to prevent infringement of personal information.
  3. To prevent leakage of your personal information by hacking, etc., we use a device that blocks intrusion from outside.
Article 13 Consignment processing of personal information
This site may consign your personal information to external parties for service improvement.
  1. If the processing of personal information is entrusted, we will notify you in advance.
  2. In the case of entrusting the processing of personal information, the service provider's observance of personal information protection instructions, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of provision to a third party, and responsibility in case of an accident, etc. We will clearly define the contract and keep the contract in writing or electronically.
Article 14 Collecting opinions and handling complaints
  1. This site has a window through which you can raise your opinions and complaints regarding personal information protection. If you have any complaints about personal information, please give your opinion to the person in charge of personal information management of this shopping mall, and we will take action immediately upon receipt and notify you of the result.
    1. Person in charge of personal information management: BMI KOREA
    2. Phone number: 064-724-5101
  2. If you need to report or consult about personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations.
    1. Individual Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 1336)
    2. Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / 02- 580-0533~4)
    3. The Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office ( / 02- 3480-3600)
    4. National Police Agency Cyber ​​Terror Response Center ( / 02- 392-0330)

Addendum (Enforcement Date) These Terms and Conditions are effective from May 14, 2021.